Below is a list of frequently used terms within the Pendoring Awards, along with their definitions.

General Terms

Submission media terms


    A file containing only audio with content as it was originally aired.


    Moving Image media submitted with an entry. Categories may accept a variety of videos including Case Studies, Content Videos, Cut-Downs/Trailers, Behind the Scenes Videos, or Demos.

    Behind the scenes / making of video

    A video that provides background information on how a project was made. It should focus on the techniques and process of creating the work.

    Case study video

    A video that provides an explanation of the project. It should focus on the IDEA of the project and the creative execution. These videos may also include cultural background, explanation, and results.

    Content video

    A video with content as it was originally aired. Content Videos contain no extraneous information and should not include background, explanation, or results.

    Cut-down video / Trailer

    A video providing a summary of the content in a longer piece. Cut-downs and Trailers contain no extraneous information and should not include background, explanation, or results, but rather provide the viewer with a preview of what is contained in the longer piece.
    NOTE: Categories that accept Cut-Downs or Trailers will also accept a URL to the Full-Length piece.

    Demo video

    A video showcasing or demonstrating a product. This includes unboxing, products in use, screen records of digital sites or apps, and other presentations of digital or physical work.


    Still or static graphics submitted with an entry. Categories may accept a variety of images including Artwork Images, Installation Images, Project Boards, or In-Situ Images.
    NOTE: Animated graphics should be submitted as Video or Animated Gifs.

    Artwork image

    An image with content as it was originally placed. Artwork Images contain no extraneous information and should not include background, explanation, or results.

    Installation image

    These images show the work as it was placed and the surrounding environment. Also referred to as "in situ". i.e. An image of a poster installed in a bus shelter, or a billboard on the side of a highway.

    Project board

    A composite of multiple images and information that provides an explanation of the project. It should focus on the IDEA of the project and the creative execution. These composites may also include cultural background, explanation, and results.
    NOTE: All information should be large enough to be seen from a distance when projected or on a small monitor.

    Reference images

    All entries require high res digital images. These images will be used for reference but will not be judged.
    NOTE: Specific audio submission options do not require images, but they may be submitted with your entry.

    Animated Gif

    Animated graphics, usually short in length, illustrating dynamic or moving graphics.
    NOTE: Gif files should only be submitted if animated. Still or static graphics should be submitted as jpeg or png files.

    Publication PDF

    A digital format of a physical mutli-page publication. This includes submissions for booklets, brochures, books, magazines, and other publications.
    NOTE: Publication PDFs may also be submitted for digital publications.

    URL to Website

    The web address of an active site submitted for judging with an entry.
    NOTE: Landing pages to case study information are accepted.

    URL to full length piece

    The web address of the full version of a long form video hosted online.
    NOTE: URLs to Full Length Pieces should go directly to the hosted video.

    Supporting App download link

    A URL that directly links to downloading a mobile application.
    NOTE: Specific categories may accept an app download link as Supporting Media for an entry, but judges are not required to install the product for judging.









21 Keyes Avenue, 2nd Floor,
Trumpet Building,
Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196

+27 10 594 5544