Eligibility dates

All work must be published or aired between the dates listed below. "Published" means the advertisement or work appeared in a form of mass media exposed to a substantial audience.

  1. Entries must be commercially published, launched or aired for the first time between 2 September 2023 and 1 October 2024.
  2. In the case of campaigns that straddle the eligibility period, e.g. if two pieces of a campaign were published prior to 2 September 2023 and three pieces after that, then the full campaign (all five pieces) is eligible for entry this year. If you have previously entered two of the pieces into last year’s awards, you can enter all three pieces into the integrated campaign this year.
  3. Student work created from 2 September 2023 and 1 October 2024 may be entered.
  4. Absolutely no work that has not yet been published, launched or aired will be accepted - and the onus is on the agency to ensure that all work entered meets these rules.

Entry Eligibility

  1. Entries are only eligible in South African indigenous languages.
  2. All entries must be at least 70% in either Afrikaans, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Setswana, Sepedi, Sesotho, siSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, South African Sign Language or a combination of any of these languages.
  3. If multiple companies have worked on a project, they must agree in advance on who will submit the entry and they must agree on how the credits will be completed. If an entry is received from more than one company, only the first entry will be accepted. No refunds will be given for duplicate entries.

Student Eligibility

  1. Students may only enter in the Student Category.
  2. Student work should be submitted by the school/college/university, rather than directly by the individual student.
  3. Student work created from 2 September 2023 and 1 October 2024 may be entered.
  4. Any student work submitted previously may not be re-entered into this year’s Pendoring.

Entry cancellations and refunds

  1. All requests to withdraw an entry must be made in writing.
  2. Requests made prior to the entry deadline may be replaced with another entry.
  3. Entries cancelled after the entry deadline may not be replaced.
  4. Any entries disqualified by Pendoring will not be refunded. This includes duplicate entries and entries that do not follow the specified rules.

Approval and permissions

  1. All entries must be approved by the relevant client for whom they were produced and all necessary permissions must be obtained.
  2. In particular, the client for whom the work was created must consent to entry of the relevant work into the Awards and for it to be used in accordance with the full terms and conditions of entry.
  3. An entry may not be entered if the work is subject to any agreements with third parties and/or other licenses and the necessary consents have not been obtained.









21 Keyes Avenue, 2nd Floor,
Trumpet Building,
Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196


+27 10 594 5544